Sunday, March 21, 2010

Fruits and Veggies

Hence, SUMMER is on the way!  Therefore time to buckle down and back to fruits and veggies.  The girls and I love them it is harder to get dad to eat them!  We always have fun creating new ways to make eating them fun and even better than they are!  Heaven's candy is what we call it best natural candy around!  We want to try making our own Strawberry Jelly or Jam this year since we are always surrounded by STRAWBERRIES!  Eating healthier should not only be when summer comes but all the time we shop Organic as much as I can and I think I am going to be stricter on myself just because I feel 100% better when I am!  Remeber exercise everyday even if it is just a walk around the block!  Remember EAT YOUR FRUITS AND VEGGIES MOMMA SAID!!!!

Friday, March 12, 2010

High School

AWWWW, the time is come! Haylie is going to Righetti High School next year!  Last night March 11,2010 we signed her up for school.  I can't tell you how proud Johnny and I are!  It seems like yesterday we were walking her to her first day of Kindergarten!  We chose the College Track so are plan...well her plan is to go to college a 4 year right out of school!  So this means alot of hard work, but she can do it!  Schools we are looking at are USC,UCLA,UCSB and Cal Poly(John's chose,this way he can keep a close eye on his little girl!)!  We can't wait to see all of her new accomplishments she makes as a High School student!  These are the moments I would never want to miss!

Sunday, March 7, 2010

*~Glitter Toes~*

Glitter Toes I have seen this alot around lately on my friends blogs and facebook and it looks like so much fun!  So, I ordered all the stuff to do it!  My Bestie Jessica has a spray tanning business so my idea is to go along with her and do the whole "GLITTER TOES!" I think it would be fun so here's to practicing on the girly's which I know they will love and here is to some MORE glitter in our lives!  You can never have to much GLITTER!  What a fun way to start spring and summer.   *~SPARKLE~*~*SHINY~*~GLAMOROUS~*~GLITTER TOES~*!!!!!!!!!!!

Friday, March 5, 2010

Chef Haylie!

Viola!  The other night Haylie and I decided we would give everyone a GREAT surprise for dessert the next evening so she helped me "whip" up a awesome chocolate very simple and easy to make Chocolate Mousse!  I always have fun cooking with the girls, but this was extra special.  We had great girl talk and she is alot more interested in cooking now that she is in Cooking this semster.  It was so fun and just so YUMMY!
Before we added our Favorite little topping of course you know it.....


Monday, March 1, 2010

The Month Of Love

Today is the begining of March missed the month of love by 1 day.......not really just have had a busy month last month!  So, today is a new month and I am ready for it!  I will give a recap on my thoughts and our going ons of last month.......Well my thoughts for Febuary are always a fun and exciting month in our home the girls and even John gets into Valentines Day my personal  opinion is they like it so much because I bake alot then!  We do have our family tradtions daddy goes and gets all his "girls" a gift and we get daddy a gift and he gets lots of love that day! 

    This year however I used this month at the begining instead of on the start of Valentines Day to remind the girls that soon the season of Lent was soon approaching and use this as a good learning tool on our Lord's ever lasting love for us as his "children".  John 3:16 "For God so loved the world he gave his one and only son,that whoever believes in him shall not perish but have eternal life."   I ask girl's what this verse meant for them and how can they show the Lord their love for him and all he has given us?  Haylie response was stated as; "Our Lord and Saviour loved us so much that he not only died for me and but for everyone and whoevers believes in our Lord will be greatly blessed."  Kyleigh response; "Jesus loves me so much he wanted us to be saved!"  I can't tell you how proud of these little girls I am and for their True enduring word for our Lord!

 So, in between all of our baking and getting cards ready for our friends this is what the girls and I talked about it was just AWESOME!  We also decided instead of giving up something for Lent we would give of ourselves and be a Christ like example to others.  I felt giving up candy or soda or such material item for 40 days would not mean as much because after that you just get it back I felt if the girls really wanted to know and feel the meaning of the Easter season which is approaching they could show their "LOVE"just as Christ showed his love for us when he gave the great sacrifice of his life to save our lives! This to us is how we used Febuary the month of love to feel the real love of Christ and show this to our Friends and Family!  Now go eat a COOKIE!